Friday 17 April 2009

I'm going to have to quit poker. I just can't win and the fish are eating me up.
I really need to go to the gym and leave poker behind. it's a horrible cruel game and nobody should have to suffer it.
My latest shocker came from having been 2nd in chips in a $1 MTT. I had QQ and raised an UTG limper. I jacked it up loads and he calls. Effective stacks are now 4000. The flop comes 9tx and he shoves 4k into a 2k pot???
I call and he has luckboxed a set.
That left me with about 2 k and that was that. Jammy bastard. I can't even win a $1 MTT. I can't see how I can fold but hey when you run bad you run bad.
I will be broke soon. My cash graph on BOSS looks like an inverted pudding basin. Sharp rise, plateau, then a sharp drop!
Maybe i have addiction issues and I can't quit. I wont bust my self or harm myself in the real world financially. I have examined my play and I play okay, I'm just bloody unlucky at the moment.
I feel I need a break from poker as I'm running like shit and I need to go to the gym and get some fitness going, play more golf and all that.
I just feel like I have the world's supply of poker knowledge but no luck and no skill. Bit of a waste really.....

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