Friday 31 July 2009


I fucking love being a gambler.

I'm a sick fuck and I know what I'm doing.

Being a gambler is the most awesome experience ever. I fucking love it and it can't be taken away.

I know I have an edge like Vegas.

When I have a massive roll and bet 10k it will be awesome!

Wednesday 15 July 2009

Io I think right, I have lost a load of money. I'll play 1/2 and I win $160 in a couple of hours???

Poker is mental!

Tuesday 14 July 2009

Rant 2

Arrrgh. Just had a retard session. The final straw was a guy hitting his customary 5 outer on the river. I had KK and capped it. The dick with A2 hits a 2 on the flop and then dogs 3 bets on the flop and hits his 2 on the river. 7 small bets in pre flop and on the flop with a2 then bottom pair and he still gets there. It has fucking happened all day. One twat had ak I have aa cap flop and turn with a king high board, you guessed it he spiked the king on the river to 2 out me.

When do i get to fucking win?

At least I can pick the tennis winners at the mo. Going well so far am $150 ahead from tennis betting so far.

When you run bad you start to wonder weather to pay off even though you know you should.

Hand AK board 275 A I have raised pf in early BB calls I c bet he calls then donks the A turn i raise the pot and he calls. River Q. He checks I bet 1/2 pot he pushes.
I threw up a bit, called then left the table when he showed me AQ. Another wank 2 outer.

If i bet a horse tomorrow at 22-1 it just will not come in. I'd have to bet 22-1 shots 1 a week for just under 6 months to see one come in and the fuckers just hit them all day for fun.

Rant over.... off to bed.

Thursday 9 July 2009

So I know that I have an edge in poker - now I am trying to get an edge in Sportsbetting.

Tennis betting to be precise. I had a crack at it about 2 years ago betting the whole season. I bet over $4000 losing just $50 in the process.

My belief is that my handicapping skills are not too shabby however my flat staking was incorrect. I will now attempt to win at sports betting using a layered handicapping system where the more sure I am of a bet the more I wager.

Over Wimbledon and the Grasscourt season this worked well and I am tidily in profit so I will now hit the other 11 months of the tennis year and see how I go.

I realize that my edge is small but hopefully I can have a winning year.

I will of course be bonus whoring the sportsbooks and possibly arbing the bets on Betfair to lock in a profit. Wish me luck!

Wednesday 8 July 2009

Well of course now that I have moved up i'm running like shit! Ho well that's poker!

Thursday 2 July 2009

$3/6 Here we come

Okay my roll has now hit $1800. Time for $3/6 limit. I know I win all the way up to $5/10 so won't be a problem. I will give myself some leeway and move back down again if I have a poor session. Also because i have decided i play $3/6 doesn't preclude me from playing at lower limits. I always select the best game. A $2/4 game with 45% VPIP is way better that a 25% 3/6 game.

Next stop $2400 and $4/8!

My plan is not to cash out this time and have a wad of a roll ready for when I retire. I have decided that going pro is out of the question and I will just remain a profitable amateur until I retire. Gambling will then be a supplementary form of income for me then on top of my pension.

I don't retire until 2027 so I have a bit of time left. A 50k roll should do the trick!

My career winnings are $15k so far so I should be able to hit my goal by 2027 if the internet is still there!

As well as poker I'm looking to sports bet more seriously. I have been betting Wimbledon and am significantly ahead. I will bet the rest of the tennis season and look to see if I can make a profit in the coming year.
It's hard not to tilt as sportsbetting though. Even a good selection in which you have invested time and effort can look a bit tilty when you see it from another viewpoint.

There's the plan, now I have to execute.

I think the only thing standing in my way is if the Mrs and I have kids. That will seriously limit the amount of poker I can play.