Monday 11 May 2009

Paypal Rant!


I'm a tad upset. I verified my paypal account thinking that all would remain as it was. Noooo, they had decided that they would then take money directly out of my bank account. Now that particular account has no money in it, although I have a few quid in my other accounts with the same bank.
So my bank sent me a letter that paypal did not get their money and that my bank were going to charge me.
So I rang my bank and they saiid that i have made a direct debit with paypal and that they were going to charge me 38 quid for thier trouble.

Well the baloon went up for a minute there I went mad a paypal, mad at my bank and threatened to take all of my money out.

I then rang my bank back and another lady answered and she was most helpful and told me that it had all been a big mistake.

So all's well that ends well but i went off one one for a minute.

I daren't play poker as i'm now tilted.

On the plus side my roll is now $1500, i'm on my way and crushing 50NL so far.

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